Time to Talk Day
Today is the day we overcome the fear to talk about mental health problems. This is the day we talk about something that affects 1 in 4 of us. Since its launch in 2014, Time to Talk has led to millions of various conversations on mental health issues and helped overcome feeling ashamed and isolated when facing those problems, let alone talking about it. Today, you can show your support by:
- Talking to one another about your problems or about mental health in general,
- posting on social media, with #timetotalk to raise awareness,
- share your story and support the cause.
Register with us
At Hammersmith and Fulham Volunteer Centre we can help you to find a volunteering opportunity that matches your skills and interests. There is a huge range of volunteering opportunities available, including retail, office based volunteering, befriending, sports, and gardening. Whatever you choose to do, be assured that you will be making a difference to your local community, as well as improving your health and well-being.